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Company culture in the pandemic context

The company culture is a set of written or unwritten rules, according to which employees of a company are guided towards the common goal. This provides the motivational context for the employees and a common sense for each action they take.

The organizational culture starts from the management of the company and is transmitted to each employee, both at the beginning of their career and during the evolution in the company.

The pandemic context put unprecedented pressure on the company’s culture in the year that ended. However, a set of common values, goals, attitudes and practices that define an organization is essential for a business to thrive, especially when its employees work from a distance.

The organizational culture is the element that keeps the company united both in the good moments and in the difficult moments, contributing to the retention of the employees.

The key elements to consider regarding the organization’s culture in the pandemic context are communication, employee well-being, transparency and authenticity.

Communication – the basis of interpersonal interactions

It is generally accepted that the more effective the organizational culture, is the merrier and openly it will be discussed. But working remotely can make the communication process difficult, more over, it is not easy to asses the real damage that can appear into the regular communication process in this unprecedented conditions,

In the work from homecontext , an open discussion about what employees appreciate, how things are done and what is acceptable or not in the company is particularly important. We do not trust what we do not understand, so communicating the organizational culture and the expectations arising from it, must be very clear and understandable to all.

Now is the time to extensively use all the communication channels we have. . According to specialists, frequent communication with employees brings significant improvements on their involvement. It is proven that they become more involved if they receive regular feedback from their superior, at least a few times a month.

Employee well-being – the main priority for a pleasant work environment

Happy employees offer quality services, high productivity and ensure the satisfaction of customer needs. During this difficult period for everyone, it is very important to prioritize the employee`s needs, to listen to their grievances and suggestions and to adapt the way they work and communicate according to their expectations.

Until now we could meet, we could involve in various activities together or we could simply relax at the coffee machine, chatting to colleagues. Now, when we work from a distance, we need more attention because we no longer have direct contact with our colleagues.

The benefits, the internal competitions and the involvement in as many of the organization’s activities as possible, offer a sense of security and belonging for the team and, thus, the organization’s culture improves,by having its values shared by all employees.

Transparency – the important rule for a healthy work environment

Management transparency in front of the employees is the key to the best organizational culture. More than ever, employees need information about the company’s activity and strategy and, also, they need to be informed about what is happening in the company’s current activity.

It is very important to inform all employees about the changes in the company, but also about the way the activities are carried out, especially during this period.

We are going through a stage  of uncertainty for everyone, in which the information flows are dispersed. The transparency of organizational actions produces a sense of trust for employees.

Authenticity – the element that makes the difference

Transmitting to the employees the company’s purpose, objectives and values is usually effective, but during this period it needs to be remodeled. An example would be the transmission of company values through various interactive or more attractive methods, with a greater visual and mental impact than sending a simple e-mail.

Presenting the defining elements of the organization (values, norms, the common goal, objectives) in a not very formal manner, helps people to better adhere to them. More over, employess will be guided by the founding elements in all the activities.

It is also essential to constantly assess employees’ perceptions onworking from home. Ask them how they feel and what they think about this experiecne, on an individual level, because each story, each experience is unique. Sharing experiences and reflecting on the new way of working helps employees feel appreciated and offers a true sense of belonging.

Organizational culture in the pandemic context is essential for the proper functioning of things, for the fulfilment of tasks and to deliver the best results and services to our clients. We must all remember, which is our main objective, what are the goals we need to achieve in accordance with the company’s values.

And, above all, we must not lose sight of the importance of joy in building a community. Having fun and good times together create strong connections, especially in difficult times, connections that will take the organization to a higher level.

It is important to turn the challenges of this period into levers for developing trust within the company, because trust creates loyalty.

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