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How to know when it’s the best time for outsourcing customer care support services

The fast development of the business environment has major effects in all industries. Nowadays, companies must react instantly to the market dynamics and become more efficient than ever, especially when it comes to the customer care industry, which is influenced the most by the clients’ high expectations. Until reaching a certain point in the company’s development, customer care processes can be managed internally. But there comes a time when collaborating with a BPO company becomes necessary. So the question is: how do you figure out when it’s the right time to outsource your customer support services?

Together with our clients we have identified the signs that show it might be a good idea to collaborate with a company specialized in outsourcing. Which are these?

1. It becomes increasingly more difficult to keep up with your customers’ expectations

 To provide excellent customer care services you must first know your clients’ expectations. And they are now higher than ever. For example, to offer a personalized experience for each client and to be available anytime to respond to their requests might seem like a high demand. But for customers within most industries those things are already a standard. They expect you to be available whenever they encounter a problem, regardless of the time zone, to know who are they, which problems they’ve faced in the past and to help them immediately. Sounds like too much? Think about your expectations while reaching to some companies.

If it becomes harder and harder for your customer support department to meet these expectations, it’s time to consider outsourcing the customer care services. This will make your work easier and companies from the BPO industry already have all the resources required to deliver the best services, 24/7, to your customers. And the best part is that you’ll be available to your clients even when your work schedule is over.

 2. Your team is overwhelmed by too many calls and client’s requests

If your customers’ requests increase often and your resources are limited, it might be a good idea to outsource your customer support services. It’s not profitable for a company to hire more people just for the peak times and because good employees are not easy to find in short time, the right thing to do is to collaborate with a call center company. It already has all the necessary resources and the required agents to help you with your activity. Also, because BPO companies know how to adapt to your customers needs, your chances to impress your clients will grow and you’ll solve their problems faster. So you’ll have a competitive advantage.

3. The administrative tasks decrease your employees’ performance

If your employees spend on average 80% of their time doing reports and other administrative tasks, you should consider to outsource these activities. Although being organized is necessary, the administrative tasks can be done by other company, in order for your employees to remain focused only on those tasks that improve your company’s activity.

4. You do not have the required technology to provide your customers the support they need

Clients nowadays don’t contact companies only by phone when they need something. They also use chat, e-mail or social media networks. If your business cannot integrate all of these communication channels in the customer support activity, the best solution is to work with a contact center company. It already uses the most advanced technologies, so your clients will be able to reach you through the channel they feel more comfortable with and it will be easier for you to help them. And also to find new clients.

5. You have a limited budget

In order to deliver high quality customer services, you need a large office, the right equipment and an extended team, always ready to answer to all the customers’ requests. And to have them can cost a lot. Therefore, the best solution is to outsource your call center services, in order to get rid of all those expenses that put pressure on your budget.  By doing this you will have almost immediate access to advanced technology, which allows continous communication with your clients, and to agents ready to respond to all requests. By outsourcing certain activities you will most likely reduce costs and your company’s profit will increase.

In conclusion, outsourcing customer support services is a solution that helps increase efficiency within your company and reduce operational costs. And if you know that at least one of the situations presented above happened to you, the time has come to work with a company specialized in outsourcing customer care services.  Also, do not forget that before starting to collaborate with a BPO company, you must evaluate the flow of your activities, to determine exactly what tasks a supplier can take on. Your outsourcing strategy depends on the needs of your company.