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Valoris Superheroes – Marinela’s story

We are delighted to reveal to you Valoris successful stories’! Today we’d like to introduce you to one of our superheroes, Marinela – Trainer. Discover her journey and get inspired!

  1. What do you think we should know about you? Could tell us more about yourself?

It’s easy for me to talk to people about anything but myself. All I can say is that I am ambitious and competitive, I like working with and for people. I feel motivated when I see that my participation in accomplishing a goal has been beneficial.

  1. Where did you graduate from and what are your plans?

In the future, I would really like to get a food truck, have a customized burger brand and participate in culinary festivals with it. At this moment, I’m testing my burger recipes and setting short-term goals. I don’t make big plans for future because I feel more comfortable setting small but achievable goals that I hope will get me exactly where I need to or deserve to go.

  1. What was your childhood dream?

I wanted to be a lawyer, because I’m a good speaker.

  1. Do you have any hobbies? What do you do in your spare time?

Being a mother, I could say that my hobby is to see my child smiling every day and I dedicate all my free time to achieve this. I love walking with my kid, going on vacation, cooking, beating with pillows, reading stories or watching anime all Sunday. I like to watch documentaries, especially about the royal house of Great Britain and ancient Egypt.

  1. Do you have a motto? If so, which one?

Supporting a principle is not limited to writing about it somewhere. It means believing in it and acting as such. For me, I think the most applicable would be “Train your mind to see the good in everything. Positivity is a choice.”

  1. When did you join the Valoris team?

I’ve joined the Valoris team in October 2019.

  1. How was your experience while working for Valoris so far?

It’s a wonderful experience. I worked on two projects and I am proud to say that I met people from whom I learned, people from whom I still learn but also people I am training. I still hope that this “vicious” cycle will continue because we are in a continuous development, both professionally and personally.

  1. What do you love most about us?

The diversity of projects and people with I am working.

  1. Finally, what message do you have for your colleagues? 

To stay as dedicated and wonderful as they have been so far, because only in this way will we continue to have optimal results. Keep on the good work!



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