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Valoris Superheroes – Stefana’s story

We are delighted to reveal to you Valoris successful stories’! Today we’d like to introduce you to one of our superheroes, Stefana – Recruitment Team Leader. Discover his journey and get inspired!

  1. What do you think we should know about you? Could you tell us more about yourself?

I like to believe that I am a positive person, always looking for new challenges, opportunities and experiences.

  1. Where did you graduate from and what are your plans?

I graduated from the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, Human Resources specialization at the University of Bucharest. I am currently studying for my Master’s degree and I can’t wait to get my diploma.

  1. What was your childhood dream?

All my childhood I wanted to be an actress or a singer. In Gymnasium and High School I was part of a band, where I was a soloist. I was also the protagonist of various plays in which I played during the high school. Later, I moved to Bucharest and my priorities have changed.

  1. Do you have any hobbies? What do you do in your spare time?

I prefer to spend my free time with those closed to me, to visit new places, to watch movies or to read books and articles, my favorites being those from the Nazi period.

  1. Do you have a motto? If so, which one?

I don’t necessarily guide my life by a motto, but I have a favorite quote: “Be the change you want to see in the world! – Mahatma Gandhi ”.

  1. When did you join the Valoris team?

I joined the Valoris team at the beginning of 2018, being in charge for the position of Recruitment Analyst.

  1. How was your experience while working for Valoris so far?

Looking back, I realize that I have grown a lot, both professionally and personally. So, the Valoris experience for me was a very productive one and it will definitely continue in the same tone.

  1. What do you love most about us?

I like the people here and the inspiration they give me! For me, the work atmosphere is a very important factor, and my colleagues have always taken care of this aspect.

  1. Finally, what advice do you have for your colleagues?

My advice would be to trust themselves because self-confidence is the most important element on which the whole life relies. It helped me to build the beautiful things in my life, both personally and professionally.

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