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Valoris “Be part of the Change” competition reaches its second edition

This year, we continued a Valoris Center initiative started in 2023 and launched the second edition of the internal contest dedicated to Valoris colleagues, Be part of the change.

Through this competition, we aimed first of all to draw attention to the connection between people and the environment. The Valoris community has always been an active and engaged one, so we have launched a nature challenge for our colleagues.

This year again we wanted to reward activities dedicated to nature, and our community members once again showed responsibility, involvement and proved that we have the power to change for the better.

The theme of our competition was based on the protection of the environment and natural resources, and Valoris colleagues have responded through activities that are already having an impact in the communities our colleagues are part of.

We have chosen this theme because protecting the environment is essential in maintaining an ecological balance. In addition, we are responsible for securing a good quality of life, both for ourselves and for future generations.

Therefore, we invited members of the Valoris community to initiate or participate in an environmental action such as:

– Separate waste by category: PET, glass, cans, cardboard and paper;

– Eco-actions in nature;

– DIY (do it yourself) projects using recyclable materials.

We now invite you to meet the winners of the second edition of the Challenge for Change competition. We congratulate all colleagues who responded to our challenge and let’s find out what kind of activities the winners have carried out to protect the environment in their communities:

Our colleague, Adina, chose to carry out a greening action in a special space for homeless kittens in her town, Constanța. Adina collected litter and recycled it at the same time.

From another part of the country, Adriana demonstrates how she creates some beautiful ornaments from recycled materials, some even suitable for the Easter table. As she says in the video, the challenge doesn’t stop there! Adriana also chose to clean up the playground in front of her apartment block to ensure the safety of her children. So, after the activity was over, she sorted the waste into special recycling bins.

Alexandra, our colleague from the HR department, took part in a planting activity in the community of Gârbovi, Ialomița county. She shares how she has been involved in planting since 2019 and encourages us all to do the same.

Gabriela also chose to tell us how important it is to protect the environment. In the video she gives us some tips and shows us how to recycle properly through the newly implemented programme, RetuRO, the Guarantee Return System (SGR).

Alexandru initiated a greening activity in nature, in his town, Reșita. He chose to clean up the litter-strewn area of Secu Lake.

We congratulate you all for your involvement, thank you for inspiring us and we encourage you to continue protecting the environment!

Watch here the video!

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