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Customer service for a fast growing industry: food delivery

Online food delivery: a popular service for restaurants and customers


Our customer owns one of the best on demand platforms in Europe. Launched in 2015, the service is now available in 25 countries. This is a business with complex logistic, fierce competition and high customer expectations.


With an experienced team and deep knowledge in customer service, we delivered a fast kick off for the project and as the business grew on both markets, we adapted and continue to fulfil the needs to this day.


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With our dedicated teams, we deliver best results, by answering calls and chat inquiries in 30 seconds, in an industry where lack of answering speed is often mentioned by end-users as a reason to pursuit another delivery service. Our experts know how to handle the project fluctuations, by adapting to new challenges, as they emerge.

Globally, more than 50% of the customers are expecting improvement in post sale service, compared to last year. Do you have the means to fulfil this expectation?